Josef Rossarius
Bali News
A distant relative
29-03-08 11:53 | Bali, celebrities, health, Jo Rosarius | Permalink
When we see each other for the first time, it rains so violent as it may rain only in the tropics. Palms and frangipani trees bend under the flood waters. The pool, which extends from the restaurant almost to the beach, rather slowly over the edge.Josef Rosarius, kleinkariertes shirt, suit pants and socks in the mustard-colored slippers, looking alternately at his smartphone and the Australians, who have taken refuge in bathing suits from the pool to the restaurant. He looks older than I had imagined, but also much more serious. The hair and the old photos so bold acting beard are gray and become a bit thin, arching over his belt a little belly. He ordered a beer and asks if I want one. When I order a juice please, he looks at me as if to say: That'll be fun. And something like that I think too. Josef Rosarius is my proverbial uncle overseas. The oldest cousin of my father, to be exact. Before I asked him last fall, if he would not like to occur in a story about dropout, he had no idea that I exist. He wrote a perplexed mail, in which he gave me to understand that he not see themselves as dropouts. He was in the late sixties, he was already a couple of years cameraman for television, as part of a development aid project in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, a television training center built. Subsequently, various options "would be in the land of" give. Against a meeting in Bali, where he has lived since the early eighties and now works as a freelance photographer, he had nevertheless not object. Since his mother's death 20 years ago was from the family yes "no carrion" more been with him. Aunt Billa, my grandmother, had always felt too old for long journeys. Hans-Peter, the brother, suffering from fear of flying. The cousin, my aunt, my going to Italy. "And your parents a few years ago on the way to Australia simply ignored flew over me." When my grandmother asked them why they had since lodged no stopover at cousin Josef, they said that the climate nothing was down there for them , But the climate was probably just an excuse. The eternal summer of the tropics, the white beaches, the phosphorus-green rice terraces and jungle-like hinterland in which to thrive all year round bananas, papayas and coconuts, since the thirties draw whites in the former Dutch colony. I think my parents just were concerned hineinzuplatzen in the lives of the estranged relatives, whose history now captured the imagination of our thoroughly bourgeois family for 40 years. And what was it not told everything! Time it was said that Joseph had become in a foreign millionaire owner of several villas with views of the beach, the founder of a Balinese drugstore chain and the ruler of hundreds of employees. Sometimes it was said that he was so broke that he could not even afford a flight to Europe. In addition, and this is in the eyes of a Catholic family really tricky, it should be converted to Islam during his last wedding and since then five times tend to be the main day toward Mecca. But as accurately it seems with the rules of the prophets no longer to take. His first Beer is empty after a quarter of an hour, and I would like to ask how his thirst should be compatible with his religion. But I do not even trust myself at the first meeting, it to respond to the woman for whom he has changed God. Ari is to say it and be supposedly grew up in the palace of Yogyakarta, the cultural center of the island of Java. My grandmother claimed, however, it is not a real princess, but "only" the daughter of a mistress. But who knows?And it really does not concern me something? Emigrants are often measured by the folks back home to their economic success and the status they acquire in their new homeland. In the emigrant trains running at the moment on the private, is all about the question of whether the people create in a foreign country, what they did not succeed at home. But maybe there are very different reasons why someone like Josef wanted to get out of Germany. Adventurousness, unlucky in love or the vague feeling that there is anywhere better than where you come from without the noise of the frogs could be heard well the sea adventure? Josef looks back on his smartphone. "I'm the war generation." A sentence which fits into this Balinese hotel bar like a marriage proposal to the brothel. I look at the Japanese at the next table, which now go along with their soups to the pool. The Australians are, since it is no longer raining, with their cocktails in the water. Josef takes a big sip of his second beer. "Your generation is perhaps adventurous, we wanted to do something," he says. That sounds different than what you want to move. The 68ers wanted "what move". But Joseph was never a leftist. He also has never dreamed to change the world. "My dream has always been to become a photographer." Only his father was the not a good idea and put his eldest son with friends in an apprenticeship as a boilermaker. Later Josef was then still photographer, took additional training in camera techniques and got the early sixties equal employment as a cameraman, first at NDR in Hamburg, then at WDR in Cologne. »The Josef has always end up getting what he wanted," my father recalls. And as fast as Josef told this afternoon his story, I did not get the impression that it would have made Germany particularly hard for him. That was probably his problem.He caressing his gray beard as he think about how he should express it after all this time. "I think I fit there somehow not from this scheme." The small economic miracle lives of his parents â € "" Church, brunch, Sunday Roast "â €" is it just unreal seemed like the lives of his bohemian friends in Hamburg and Cologne. The reality, he thought, was where things stood Spitz at your fingertips, where it slammed. So he went the mid-sixties as a freelance war correspondent in the Middle East, Indochina and 1967 to Biafra. What he saw there must have been worse than anything he had experienced until then. "After that I was pretty from the roll, drink, gamble, these things. I swore to myself. Never-Saharan Africa "But save in Germany and his colleagues on weekend houses, he wanted now and certainly not more. It is pitch dark when we leave at eight clock for dinner in the next town, and still so humid as in a greenhouse. Would not make the frogs in the ditch as a deafening noise, one might hear the ocean. One can see it even in daylight long gone. The coast between Benoa Beach, where my hotel is located, and the making Nusa Dua, where Joseph and the mysterious woman from the palace of Yogyakarta live today, the hotels as a cordon string together. "Behind our first house on Bali began equal to the rice fields," says Joseph. In 1982, after 14 years in television in Jakarta, he built it. It was the time just before the big boom Bali. Huge investments and the international glitterati made from the poorhouse Indonesia slow the richest island in the archipelago.Today you have a checkpoint happen if one wants to enter the hotel and resort town of Nusa Dua. Armed police are looking for the car for hidden explosives. This tiresome procedure was introduced after Islamic terrorists two nightclubs hunted in October 2002 in the more northerly surfer stronghold Kuta in the air, and over 200 people died. In Bali, it is, October 12 is such a thing was like a September 11th. From another on the day, said Reinhold Jantzen, the German honorary consul, had the lightness and the feeling that there is always going ahead, disappeared.Only the last two years the number of overnight stays are back at the level of 2002. And yet, nothing is as before, says Joseph, while he is looking for a car park. For him, anyway. The drugstore chain, from the home was so much talk and there, how will I know now, actually gave, had to close a branch after another. First, because no more tourists came to Bali, and then, because all the tourists it had a digital camera and Joseph's main service, photo development in two hours, it was no longer in demand. Also in the shopping center, which he has selected from me inexplicably for dinner, had he two shops. In one there are now local crafts at inflated prices, in the other picture frames and posters. Next door: Gucci-Prada, Hilfiger and restaurants that offer a mix of fast food and fusion. But nothing for which one would have to sit 16 hours in aircraft. Josef controls unerringly on a local to that advertises with Indonesian and German cuisine for themselves. At the other tables fat men sitting with gold chains around his neck and women whose clothes a few numbers still were bigger scarce. From the loudspeaker blares a Cuban Gassenhauer. »Guantanamerahhh." Â € "" Russians, "says Josef. "Our new regular customers." He did not particularly like, but rather than the Chinese, who a few years ago also discovered Bali. Both have no manners, the Russians but at least money. He plops down on a chair and handed me the menu. "I always eat here the Nuremberg sausages." "You eat pork?" I finally dare to ask. He grins at me as if he had been waiting for this question. "I did the Ari said 30 years ago that I was a bad Kathole and in all probability will also be a poor Moslem." The change of faith was probably primarily a symbolic act with which he wanted to show her how serious he was , Only would Joseph who prefer speaking like many men of his age about feelings in text blocks, which never say so. On the map, which were my parents late seventies after his wedding, it was said laconically: "This is Ari, my third and last wife." I meet her at her house on the hills overlooking Nusa Dua a few days later. It is Muslim New Year, a national holiday in Indonesia, which you will not notice in Bali, the only Hindu island in the country, however. Shops and restaurants are open, the Balinese women wear as everyday baskets with offerings to the next temple. Also in Joseph and Aris House staff have burned incense in the morning and offered up on the family altar bowl with fruit and rice, in order to appease the evil spirits. It still smells of incense, as Ari opens the door. A little too enthusiastic, I give praise to the pool in the garden She is dressed in white. Her hair disappears under a man's hat, half her face under a huge sunglasses. If it moves, strums jewelry to ears and wrists. Bad it seems that but still did not go, I think and am ashamed of these thoughts equal stayed at home so much that I praise the small swimming pool in the garden too enthusiastic. The terrace walls are covered with antique ebony carvings from Aris Javanese homeland. Before that lie thick Persian rugs. "My prayer corner," says Ari proud. Joseph, who was calling to and from running all the time twisted, irritated eyes. Today does not seem to be his day. In the morning he was in Kuta photograph a hotel that did not like him, then his Rotary Lunch was temporarily canceled due to the holiday. He hates it when he has no plans. He was just a German, says Ari. "You must indeed have always something to do." In the past, as a young woman, she was indeed the same. Since they had the 17 photo shops and 120 employees. And because Joseph alongside nor necessarily wanted to make films and make other images, she had to worry about managing all alone. "Ari is the only Indonesian who knows anything about accounting," Josef had already claimed a few days ago. But he had already indicated that they no longer are in this much talent. "I live now more in spiritual spheres," she says.The family would give her more and more important at the age. In the staircase of her huge, three-story house, a family tree, which they actually identifying them as a descendant of the palace of Yogyakarta, her mother was a dancer depends. The picture next to it shows surrounded by all her children and grandchildren. She takes it from the wall, so I can admire it better. The five children has Josef adopted after the death of the natural father, because the Indonesian law left him no other choice. For the twelve grandchildren he feels not even responsible. "When the band together here on the carpets, I watch that I'm gone," he says, and pulls out a photo that shows him in the Gulf Dress:. Put the bat over his shoulder, in his hand a fag Josef and Ari include obviously not to the couple, the aged are increasingly similar to each other, rather to those who constantly say: I'll do that for you. So it is then Ari, which suggests that we still go to the Golf Club to eat. Shortly after Josef leaves the car. On the road evaporate the puddles of last night, on the opposite carriageway get us swarms of moped riders contrary. In the hotels on the coast just seems to have come to an end one layer. Joseph maneuvered the car confidently through the traffic that is so random that tourist offices tourist advise against it, to take a rental car. Balinese, it is said, would bring an oblation in the morning and then would think that nothing happens to them more. Josef thinks this talk. "They're just ruthless as hell. And if they are purely you cracked the back, they smile you boldly in the face. "Him doing it wrong. Him seem to make much mistaken, what excited tourists on the island. The hinterland, the ancient royal city of Ubud, with its many temples, he finds unbearable humid, the forest, which starts right behind Ubud, it is not enough forest, and to the rice terraces disturb him the mosquitoes. Down here in the south of the island he did not tip because it assumes that the staff "cheat you anyway." Not even at the golf club, the waitress must pour his beer. Ari pushes smiling sunglasses under the brim of his hat. German men and their beer. She has become accustomed. Even the director of the golf course, a New Zealander with white hair, who all greeted us with a handshake, Josef knocks approvingly on the shoulder. "Not subside, Jo!" Only I'm a bit perplexed. The man of whom they think at home, he was completely submerged in a foreign culture, maybe even become a religious fanatic, apparently after 40 years still afraid of what is in diplomatic circles "bush encroachment". The risk is no longer a long time given. Most of his friends who I got to know the last few days, Canadians, New Zealanders, Australians, Spaniards â € "all hotel managers, managers or restaurant owners who evening meet in the same bars and clubs and play at the weekend together golf. Since Joseph again works as a freelance photographer, many of his friends are also its clients. Even the white-haired Golf Course director wants to talk to him about a new corporate identity of the club after dinner. Indeed, "let beautiful places look even more beautiful", the can of really good Jo. But that's why he had to come to Bali? Re bene ask a stupid Daheimgeblie- added. Even in Germany make the fewest people with 70 that of which they have dreamed with 30th And there are probably many German pensioners who Josef envy his elegant, still quite active upper class life. Joseph knows that. He knows that he could not afford this life in Germany. He attaches great importance to the fact that we do not visit the hospital in the island's capital Denpasar before my departure. Because in the whitewashed, overcrowded wards, which largely date back to Dutch time, he is still the development worker who he once was. His Rotary Club has built up after the attacks in 2002 with private donations, a blood bank, also children are here operates with harelip on Rotarians costs. Josef knows most by name. The mothers bow down before him. "Something one must return," he says on the way back. Since it is already a little after five in the afternoon, and Josef seems almost sentimental by his standards. He now speaks for the first time on his own about Germany, about his grandparents, my great-grandparents, which he obviously loved his mother, whom he still calls Mama, and also about his first two wives. "You know what the only thing that I really missed here all these years? "he asks, as we approach the shadowy cove of Nusa Dua. "Christmas." Ironically, I think. Then I imagine that it might be nice if he would visit us at Christmas, now that he is not quite so strange uncle more. He would like? "Ne, with you is on Christmas Eve but no snow anymore," he says, and steps on the gas. Source: The time INFORMATION Arrival: Malaysia Airlines, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines, Thai International and Qantas fly several times a week from Frankfurt to Denpasar. More flight info entry: EU citizens need a least six months valid passport plus a return ticket and receive their visa upon arrival at the airport: For a stay of up to seven days, it costs about 7 to 30 days 17 euros. More Visa Information Contact: Jo Rosarius Only would Joseph who prefer speaking like many men of his age about feelings in text blocks, which never say so. On the map, which were my parents late seventies after his wedding, it was said laconically: "This is Ari, my third and last wife." I meet her at her house on the hills overlooking Nusa Dua a few days later. It is Muslim New Year, a national holiday in Indonesia, which you will not notice in Bali, the only Hindu island in the country, however. Shops and restaurants are open, the Balinese women wear as everyday baskets with offerings to the next temple. Also in Joseph and Aris House staff have burned incense in the morning and offered up on the family altar bowl with fruit and rice, in order to appease the evil spirits. It still smells of incense, as Ari opens the door. A little too enthusiastic, I give praise to the pool in the garden She is dressed in white. Her hair disappears under a man's hat, half her face under a huge sunglasses. If it moves, strums jewelry to ears and wrists. Bad it seems that but still did not go, I think and am ashamed of these thoughts equal stayed at home so much that I praise the small swimming pool in the garden too enthusiastic. The terrace walls are covered with antique ebony carvings from Aris Javanese homeland. Before that lie thick Persian rugs. "My prayer corner," says Ari proud. Joseph, who was calling to and from running all the time twisted, irritated eyes. Today does not seem to be his day. In the morning he was in Kuta photograph a hotel that did not like him, then his Rotary Lunch was temporarily canceled due to the holiday. He hates it when he has no plans. He was just a German, says Ari. "You must indeed have always something to do." In the past, as a young woman, she was indeed the same. Since they had the 17 photo shops and 120 employees. And because Joseph alongside nor necessarily wanted to make films and make other images, she had to worry about managing all alone. "Ari is the only Indonesian who knows anything about accounting," Josef had already claimed a few days ago. But he had already indicated that they no longer are in this much talent. "I live now more in spiritual spheres," she says. The family would give her more and more important at the age. In the staircase of her huge, three-story house, a family tree, which they actually identifying them as a descendant of the palace of Yogyakarta, her mother was a dancer depends. The picture next to it shows surrounded by all her children and grandchildren. She takes it from the wall, so I can admire it better. The five children has Josef adopted after the death of the natural father, because the Indonesian law left him no other choice. For the twelve grandchildren he feels not even responsible. "When the band together here on the carpets, I watch that I'm gone," he says, and pulls out a photo that shows him in the Gulf Dress:. Put the bat over his shoulder, in his hand a fag Josef and Ari include obviously not to the couple, the aged are increasingly similar to each other, rather to those who constantly say: I'll do that for you. So it is then Ari, which suggests that we still go to the Golf Club to eat. Shortly after Josef leaves the car. On the road evaporate the puddles of last night, on the opposite carriageway get us swarms of moped riders contrary. In the hotels on the coast just seems to have come to an end one layer. Joseph maneuvered the car confidently through the traffic that is so random that tourist offices tourist advise against it, to take a rental car. Balinese, it is said, would bring an oblation in the morning and then would think that nothing happens to them more. Josef thinks this talk. "They're just ruthless as hell. And if they are purely you cracked the back, they smile you boldly in the face. "Him doing it wrong. Him seem to make much mistaken, what excited tourists on the island. The hinterland, the ancient royal city of Ubud, with its many temples, he finds unbearable humid, the forest, which starts right behind Ubud, it is not enough forest, and to the rice terraces disturb him the mosquitoes. Down here in the south of the island he did not tip because it assumes that the staff "cheat you anyway." Not even at the golf club, the waitress must pour his beer. Ari pushes smiling sunglasses under the brim of his hat. German men and their beer. She has become accustomed. Even the director of the golf course, a New Zealander with white hair, who all greeted us with a handshake, Josef knocks approvingly on the shoulder. "Not subside, Jo!" Only I'm a bit perplexed. The man of whom they think at home, he was completely submerged in a foreign culture, maybe even become a religious fanatic, apparently after 40 years still afraid of what is in diplomatic circles "bush encroachment". The risk is no longer a long time given. Most of his friends who I got to know the last few days, Canadians, New Zealanders, Australians, Spaniards â € "all hotel managers, managers or restaurant owners who evening meet in the same bars and clubs and play at the weekend together golf. Since Joseph again works as a freelance photographer, many of his friends are also its clients. Even the white-haired Golf Course director wants to talk to him about a new corporate identity of the club after dinner. Indeed, "let beautiful places look even more beautiful", the can of really good Jo. But that's why he had to come to Bali? Re bene ask a stupid Daheimgeblie- added. Even in Germany make the fewest people with 70 that of which they have dreamed with 30th And there are probably many German pensioners who Josef envy his elegant, still quite active upper class life. Joseph knows that. He knows that he could not afford this life in Germany. He attaches great importance to the fact that we do not visit the hospital in the island's capital Denpasar before my departure.Because in the whitewashed, overcrowded wards, which largely date back to Dutch time, he is still the development worker who he once was.His Rotary Club has built up after the attacks in 2002 with private donations, a blood bank, also children are here operates with harelip on Rotarians costs. Josef knows most by name. The mothers bow down before him. "Something one must return," he says on the way back. Since it is already a little after five in the afternoon, and Josef seems almost sentimental by his standards. He now speaks for the first time on his own about Germany, about his grandparents, my great-grandparents, which he obviously loved his mother, whom he still calls Mama, and also about his first two wives. "You know what the only thing that I really missed here all these years? "he asks, as we approach the shadowy cove of Nusa Dua. "Christmas." Ironically, I think. Then I imagine that it might be nice if he would visit us at Christmas, now that he is not quite so strange uncle more. He would like? "Ne, with you is on Christmas Eve but no snow anymore," he says, and steps on the gas. Source: The timeINFORMATION Arrival: Malaysia Airlines, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines, Thai International and Qantas fly several times a week from Frankfurt to Denpasar. More flight info entry: EU citizens need a least six months valid passport plus a return ticket and receive their visa upon arrival at the airport: For a stay of up to seven days, it costs about 7 to 30 days 17 euros. More Visa Information Contact: Jo Rosarius Only would Joseph who prefer speaking like many men of his age about feelings in text blocks, which never say so. On the map, which were my parents late seventies after his wedding, it was said laconically: "This is Ari, my third and last wife." I meet her at her house on the hills overlooking Nusa Dua a few days later. It is Muslim New Year, a national holiday in Indonesia, which you will not notice in Bali, the only Hindu island in the country, however. Shops and restaurants are open, the Balinese women wear as everyday baskets with offerings to the next temple. Also in Joseph and Aris House staff have burned incense in the morning and offered up on the family altar bowl with fruit and rice, in order to appease the evil spirits. It still smells of incense, as Ari opens the door. A little too enthusiastic, I give praise to the pool in the gardenShe is dressed in white. Her hair disappears under a man's hat, half her face under a huge sunglasses. If it moves, strums jewelry to ears and wrists. Bad it seems that but still did not go, I think and am ashamed of these thoughts equal stayed at home so much that I praise the small swimming pool in the garden too enthusiastic. The terrace walls are covered with antique ebony carvings from Aris Javanese homeland. Before that lie thick Persian rugs. "My prayer corner," says Ari proud. Joseph, who was calling to and from running all the time twisted, irritated eyes.Today does not seem to be his day. In the morning he was in Kuta photograph a hotel that did not like him, then his Rotary Lunch was temporarily canceled due to the holiday. He hates it when he has no plans. He was just a German, says Ari. "You must indeed have always something to do." In the past, as a young woman, she was indeed the same. Since they had the 17 photo shops and 120 employees. And because Joseph alongside nor necessarily wanted to make films and make other images, she had to worry about managing all alone. "Ari is the only Indonesian who knows anything about accounting," Josef had already claimed a few days ago. But he had already indicated that they no longer are in this much talent. "I live now more in spiritual spheres," she says. The family would give her more and more important at the age. In the staircase of her huge, three-story house, a family tree, which they actually identifying them as a descendant of the palace of Yogyakarta, her mother was a dancer depends. The picture next to it shows surrounded by all her children and grandchildren. She takes it from the wall, so I can admire it better. The five children has Josef adopted after the death of the natural father, because the Indonesian law left him no other choice.For the twelve grandchildren he feels not even responsible. "When the band together here on the carpets, I watch that I'm gone," he says, and pulls out a photo that shows him in the Gulf Dress:. Put the bat over his shoulder, in his hand a fag Josef and Ari include obviously not to the couple, the aged are increasingly similar to each other, rather to those who constantly say: I'll do that for you. So it is then Ari, which suggests that we still go to the Golf Club to eat. Shortly after Josef leaves the car. On the road evaporate the puddles of last night, on the opposite carriageway get us swarms of moped riders contrary. In the hotels on the coast just seems to have come to an end one layer. Joseph maneuvered the car confidently through the traffic that is so random that tourist offices tourist advise against it, to take a rental car. Balinese, it is said, would bring an oblation in the morning and then would think that nothing happens to them more. Josef thinks this talk. "They're just ruthless as hell. And if they are purely you cracked the back, they smile you boldly in the face. "Him doing it wrong. Him seem to make much mistaken, what excited tourists on the island. The hinterland, the ancient royal city of Ubud, with its many temples, he finds unbearable humid, the forest, which starts right behind Ubud, it is not enough forest, and to the rice terraces disturb him the mosquitoes. Down here in the south of the island he did not tip because it assumes that the staff "cheat you anyway." Not even at the golf club, the waitress must pour his beer. Ari pushes smiling sunglasses under the brim of his hat. German men and their beer. She has become accustomed. Even the director of the golf course, a New Zealander with white hair, who all greeted us with a handshake, Josef knocks approvingly on the shoulder. "Not subside, Jo!" Only I'm a bit perplexed. The man of whom they think at home, he was completely submerged in a foreign culture, maybe even become a religious fanatic, apparently after 40 years still afraid of what is in diplomatic circles "bush encroachment". The risk is no longer a long time given. Most of his friends who I got to know the last few days, Canadians, New Zealanders, Australians, Spaniards â € "all hotel managers, managers or restaurant owners who evening meet in the same bars and clubs and play at the weekend together golf. Since Joseph again works as a freelance photographer, many of his friends are also its clients. Even the white-haired Golf Course director wants to talk to him about a new corporate identity of the club after dinner. Indeed, "let beautiful places look even more beautiful", the can of really good Jo. But that's why he had to come to Bali? Re bene ask a stupid Daheimgeblie- added. Even in Germany make the fewest people with 70 that of which they have dreamed with 30th And there are probably many German pensioners who Josef envy his elegant, still quite active upper class life. Joseph knows that. He knows that he could not afford this life in Germany. He attaches great importance to the fact that we do not visit the hospital in the island's capital Denpasar before my departure. Because in the whitewashed, overcrowded wards, which largely date back to Dutch time, he is still the development worker who he once was. His Rotary Club has built up after the attacks in 2002 with private donations, a blood bank, also children are here operates with harelip on Rotarians costs. Josef knows most by name. The mothers bow down before him. "Something one must return," he says on the way back. Since it is already a little after five in the afternoon, and Josef seems almost sentimental by his standards. He now speaks for the first time on his own about Germany, about his grandparents, my great-grandparents, which he obviously loved his mother, whom he still calls Mama, and also about his first two wives. "You know what the only thing that I really missed here all these years? "he asks, as we approach the shadowy cove of Nusa Dua. "Christmas." Ironically, I think. Then I imagine that it might be nice if he would visit us at Christmas, now that he is not quite so strange uncle more. He would like? "Ne, with you is on Christmas Eve but no snow anymore," he says, and steps on the gas. Source: The time INFORMATION Arrival: Malaysia Airlines, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines, Thai International and Qantas fly several times a week from Frankfurt to Denpasar. More flight info entry: EU citizens need a least six months valid passport plus a return ticket and receive their visa upon arrival at the airport: For a stay of up to seven days, it costs about 7 to 30 days 17 euros. More Visa Information Contact: Jo Rosarius
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